All to often people do not recognize FASD signs and symptoms. Even though FASD is very common few physicians even recognize FASD signs and symptoms quickly. It may take several visits to a number of doctors and therapists before someone picks up on the FASD signs and symptoms and gets the ball rolling for diagnosis to occur. Part of this is due to lack of education regarding FASD. However, it is also due to the wide variety of FASD signs and symptoms and how they may present.
FASD Signs and Symptoms
- a small head
- a smooth ridge between the upper lip and nose, small eyes, a very thin upper lip, or other abnormal facial features
- below-average height and weight
- hyperactivity
- lack of focus
- poor coordination
- delayed development and problems in thinking, speech, movement and social skills
- poor judgment
- problems seeing or hearing
- learning disabilities
- mental retardation
- heart problems
- kidney defects and abnormalities
- deformed limbs or fingers
- mood swings
Some individuals with FASD may present with a number of the above signs and symptoms. While others may present with just a few. Frequently people get hung up on the facial features that can accompany FASD. Not all people with FASD have the visual markers of FASD. Just because someone does not have the facial features of FASD does not mean that FASD can be ruled out.

I much prefer the description of FASD signs and symptoms used by
MOFAS. The above image from MOFAS shows signs and symptoms of FASD in several areas and is not focused on only physical indicators. I find this model to more realistic to how FASD can present in a variety of ways.
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